Disable/Enable CentOS 7.x automatic updates

Updating CentOS will corrupt certain drivers (most commonly NVIDIA drivers), so best to disable the automatic update prompts (especially if you have multiple users using the system). However, if your SW absolutely requires your CentOS to be updated to the latest version (or for security reasons), then you need to make sure to re-install all drivers that was affected from the update.

Disable Automatic Updates

## check whether packageKit.service is active/running; if active (running), then proceed with this method to remove the software updater
systemctl status packagekit

systemctl stop packagekit
systemctl mask packagekit
yum remove PackageKit

Enable Automatic Updates

## check whether packageKit.service is active/running; if inactive, or none is found, proceed with this method to enable the software updater
systemctl status packagekit

yum install gnome-packagekit PackageKit-yum
systemctl unmask packagekit
systemctl unmask packagekit

## check whether packageKit.service is active/running
systemctl status packagekit

##enable packageKit service to start at boot
systemctl enable packagekit