[Linux] Checking memory usage across multiple users

[Linux] Checking memory usage across multiple users

ps ax

ps - lists currently-running processes

a - lists processes across all users (not just yourself)

x - lists additional processes not ran from terminal (background/daemon processes)

ps -o pid,user,%mem,command ax | sort -b -k3 -r

readable list of user, processes, and PID needed to read in a non-percentage format (see below)

If you want to understand the sort command and flags, this articles does a great job explaining them: https://www.computerhope.com/unix/usort.htm

pmap [PID]

displays memory usage in KB/MB format across all libraries/files associated with the PID

pmap [PID] | tail -n 1

displays memory usage in KB/MB of entire PID

pmap [PID1] [PID2] | grep total

displays memory usage in KB/MB of multiple PID's

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