Login or Create account for Exxact Support Portal

Support representatives will need to verify your system's hardware information so we can offer you personal technical assistance.

Exxact Support Portal

All support requests need to go through our support portal so our team can gather all necessary system configuration information to better assist with your questions.

Link to Exxact Support Portal: https://exxact.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1


If you do not have an account, scroll down to the CreateAccount(Sign-up) section

Enter your login e-mail and click 'next' to show the 'Password' field

Note: There is also a 'Forgot your password?' link after you enter your login e-mail that will send whether the e-mail is registered or not to our support platform. To fully verify if you have an account setup with our login portal, use your e-mail with the 'Sign up' page to see if your e-mail has been registered already; or if you need to create a new account. 

To view your open Support/RMA requests on the support portal, click your user profile picture icon on the top-right

Create Account (Sign-up)

Link to Support Portal page: https://exxact.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/create/85

  1. Click 'Sign up' at the bottom of the login prompt

  2. Enter e-mail address so our support portal will send you a private sign up link

  3. Visit your e-mail and click the private 'Sign up' link

  4. Enter 'Full name' field (full name not necessary), and enter your password for the account

  5. You will now be able to 'Start a ticket'; be sure to properly fill out the 'Exxact Serial Number' so the support representative can quickly pull up all information related to your system

RMA Requests

All System/Component RMA's will need to be submitted through the Support Portal; they will start as support tickets, and moved over to RMA after all appropriate information has been reviewed by the support team. If you need to submit an RMA from strictly component requests, please download and fill out the attached form below and e-mail form to rma@exxactcorp.com.