HGX2 Field Diagnostics Tool

This tool needs to be on a bootable USB. If you already have the tool on the bootable USB, skip to 'Step 2'.

The files can be found from this link:


Step 1 - Create a bootable USB

I used Rufus 2.18, but basically any Rufus will work as long as you uncheck the 'Create a bootable disk using..." option.

 Example of Rufus settings

Step 2 - Boot to the USB

I have a PNY USB, and I used the UEFI option.

 Example of booting from BIOS

Step 3 - Unpack Field Diagnostic Tool files

Use command below to unpack fie Field Diagnostics Tool files:

tar xfz 629-FKD03-2887-510.tgz


You should land into a command prompt. 

Step 4 - Change directory into the unpacked files

Use command below to unpack fie Field Diagnostics Tool files:

cd xfz 629-FKD03-2887-510

Step 5 - Run Field Diagnostics Test

READ FIRST: You can run a 'fail on first error' test, or other run options. If you would like to see your options, view the 'readme' in that directory. There is warning that the full test may take up to ~5.5 hours. Please use the test advised by us. For example purposes only I used a quick-fail test to show generated logs for 'Step 6'.

For the 'fail on first error' you can use below command:

./fielddiag.sh --fail_on_first_error

Example of failed test

Step 6 - Provide logs generated by the test

Power off system once tests complete, remove the USB, and you can plug it in on your personal computer and find the logs under:

USB (Example) DGX2 (D:) → home → 629-FLD03-2887-510 → Logs → zipped files


The zipped files for the tests ran.