'Minimal POST Configuration' Server Hardware Troubleshooting

'Minimal POST Configuration' Server Hardware Troubleshooting

This article is meant for a specific server, but will be edited to generalize the concept over numerous types of motherboards.


Minimal POST configuration would be 1x CPU and 1x Memory DIMM. Make sure the CPU being tested is installed in CPU1 socket.

Please see Memory DIMM installation for single CPU note on very end of this page:

Here is memory topology for both single and dual-CPU:

As for the process, if you find a CPU (1 or 2) and Memory DIMM (however many DIMM) combination that works from minimal POST configuration, then you would power off the system, unplug power, install another DIMM, and power on to see if the system continues to POST normally. You would repeat this until you find a CPU or DIMM that causes the issue again.

If no combination of the CPU or Memory allows system to POST, then the motherboard might be the root cause of the issue. If you have another system that can support the same CPU and Memory, you can try to test those components to see if they work on that board instead to see if you can rule out bad CPU or Memory using the board if it is known-working.

Please note the CPU heatsinks. One has heatsink fins that are more spaced out, while the other is more ‘blocky’. This is because the heat shroud funnels allows air flow to pass through CPU2 to CPU1. The heat shoud can be removed by using a philips head on the 3 screws that mount it to the chassis fan bracket.

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