No display after system powers on
Suggestions on a system 'no-display' issue. The goal is to at least get you to BIOS or view BIOS splash screens, where you can then boot to your OS (Operating System) from installed drive(s).
Step 1: Plug display cable to correct display port
Your system comes with a system info flier in an Exxact-brand folder. It will tell you one or two things in regards to display:
- Whether it is 'onboard' or 'offboard'
- If 'offboard', which graphics card to use/plug-in for display
What do you mean by onboard/offboard?
Onboard display takes advantage of the video display port on the motherboard if it contains one. Most server hardware we provide may contain a VGA port. If you are not sure on the names/types of video display ports, please visit this article. Types of video display ports.
Offboard looks through PCI-e slots for hardware that can provide display, like a graphics card.
Segment from an example system info flier:
As for WHICH port on the graphics card, since it may contain 3-4 on the card itself, it does not matter for first-time use.
Step 2: Reboot system
SYSTEM NEEDS TO REBOOT IF YOU ARE CHANGING THE LOCATION OF THE DISPLAY CABLE. SOME SYSTEMS WILL SIMPLY NOT PROVIDE DISPLAY IF IT HAS REMAINED POWERED ON. Display cycles through the hardware. If it fails to locate one through all available option, then it may just not display at all. Rebooting the system while the cable is in the correct video display port will ensure the hardware initialization will provide display to the correct video channel or graphics card. It searches in sequential order of the PCI-e slots most of the time, so we typically mark/note the graphics card that is installed in the first PCI-e slot that the system looks for to provide video display.
If the above steps did not resolve your issue
As stated earlier, the goal is to get you to BIOS. If it reached BIOS, the system has completed POST and provided display. If you are trying to get display when booting to OS (Operating System), you have a bigger problem that is most likely caused by user-end changes. Please provide screenshots to the support representative so they can assist the best they can on getting display from your OS.