Enabling PXE boot (TS4-672693)

Enabling PXE boot (TS4-672693)

Access BIOS and look under Advanced → PCIe/PCI/PnP Configuration → Onboard LAN1 Option and Onboard LAN2 Option

Onboard LAN1 Option ROM
Use this setting to select which firmware function is to be loaded for onboard LAN1 on the system. Options include Disabled, PXE, iSCSI, and EFI.

Onboard LAN2 Option ROM
Use this setting to select which firmware function is to be loaded for onboard LAN2 on the system. Options include Disabled and PXE.


Also, look under Advanced → Network Configuration →

Network Stack
This setting allows you to enable or disable the UEFI Network Stack. The options are Disabled and Enabled.
IPv4 PXE Support
This setting allows you to enable or disable IPv4 PXE boot support. If disabled, IPv4 PXE boot support will not be available. The options are Disabled and Enabled.
IPv4 HTTP Support
This setting allows you to enable or disable IPv4 HTTP boot support. If disabled, IPv4 HTTP boot support will not be available. The options are Disabled and Enabled.
IPv6 PXE Support
This setting allows you to enable or disable IPv6 PXE boot support. If disabled, IPv6 PXE boot support will not be available. The options are Disabled and Enabled.
IPv6 HTTP Support
This setting allows you to enable or disable IPv6 HTTP boot support. If disabled, IPv6 HTTP boot support will not be available. The options are Disabled and Enabled.
PXE boot wait time
This setting allows you to set in a number field the wait time to press <ESC> to abort the PXE boot. The default value is 0.
Media detect count
This setting allows you set in a number