ASRock TRX40 Motherboard Fan Settings

ASRock TRX40 Motherboard Fan Settings

At least ONE of the CPU_FAN's should be in W_PUMP (water pump) mode

If the RGB liquid cooler pulses red on the water pump, and no other color, then it isn't getting enough power. Switching the respective CPU_FAN to W_PUMP will allow necessary power to the Liquid CPU Cooler.

Should be RGB when the system powers on like the left image (ignore the fan RGB, our fans don't have RGB). If it only pulses red like the image on the right, then it is not getting enough power on the motherboard.

LIQMAX III HF CPU liquid cooler - Products - ENERMAX Technology Corporation

When all fans are on 'Standard Mode'

1 fan W_PUMP, the rest in 'Standard Mode'. Notice how SB (South Bridge) and MB (Motherboard) temps are above 76 and 40 respectfully

When all fans are on 'Full Speed'

Decreased both SB and M/B temperatures by ~5-6c. The sound increase is barely noticable; larger chassis fans cap around ~1200 RPM, which is NOTHING compared to idle server fans (~2900-3300 RPM).

Depending on your chassis fans, your results may vary.