Download form
Fill out the form with your Component Serial Number and original purchase information
- ComponentSerial Number is found on the physical component itself and will explicitly state 'Serial Number' / 'S/N' / SN: / etc.'
- CPU/Processor serial number requires a special scanner; you can leave blank and we will confirm the SN# upon the RMA part's arrival
- Memory DIMM (RAM) typically does not have Serial Number; the Support Agent can advise whether your Memory DIMM / RAM / Stick is serialized
Liquid CPU Cooler Serial Number can be found on a sticker affixed to the side of the radiator
Graphics Cards Serial Numbers are not the NVIDIA board's Serial Number found using NVIDIA Driver or lspci grep commands, you will need to remove the Graphics Card from your system to locate and provide the sticker SN# from that Graphics Card specific Vendor that comes up in our system
Expand title Example of Graphics Card sticker Serial Number
E-mail form to rma@exxactcorp.com
- Let Support Agent know on the Support Ticket that you have e-mailed our RMA Department so we may close the Support Ticket