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Comment: Added another no-display troubleshooting suggestion from ESSD-6581


titleSystem powers on when pressing the power button, but there is no display

System powers on when pressing the power button, but there is no display

Make sure you go over the following display topics:

  • Provide system info flier
  • State which display port(s) or graphics card is used for primary display
  • Have them double-check monitor that is powered on and using correct display source (VGA/DVI/HDMI/HDMI1/HDMI2/etc...)
  • Try other cables/adapters; highly recommend NOT using adapters

Display issues are common for newly received systems or new user of an older one. If customers fail to troubleshoot properly, it needs to be heavily noted that they will need to pay for shipping if we deem system NPF (No Problem Found).

titleAre they using correct display port/GPU?

Is correct display port/GPU being used?



titleDoes display work after they power drained the system, and power it on with unsafe-ONLY the correct video display cable/port being used as noted in the system info flier?

Does display work after system was power drained completely, and powered on with ONLY the correct video display cable/port being used as noted in the system info flier?

title (END) Yes - display works, move on to next tree

(END) Yes - display works, move on to next tree

titleNo - is there display after checking monitor settings and other cables?

No - is there display after checking monitor settings and other cables?

  • have them double-check monitor that is powered on and using correct display source (VGA/DVI/HDMI/HDMI1/HDMI2/etc...)
  • try other cables/adapters that are known working for other systems at their site; highly recommend NOT using adapters
  • try other display GPU ports and cables of different display interface types
title(END) Yes - display works, move on to next tree

(END) Yes - display works, move on to next tree

titleNo - (if offboard display channel) is there display on the unsafe-onboard channel (typically VGA or Motherboard display ports)?

No - (if offboard display channel) is there display on the onboard channel (typically VGA or Motherboard display ports)?

titleYes - does motherboard splash screen display? (offboard channel)

Yes - does motherboard splash screen display? (offboard channel)

titleYes - does the system have any codes that does not involve the display being pushed to offboard channel? (see notes for this unsafe-one)

Yes - does the system have any codes unrelated to display being pushed to offboard channel? (see notes below)

  • Check for any POST code displayed in addition to the board manufacturer logo
    • Commonly observed codes
      • Supermicro - 91 - display pushed to offboard channel
      • Tyan - E3/AB - display pushed to offboard channel
      • ASUS (on workstation motherboards or back of 2U chassis) - OS loaded properly
      • B7/B9 (or B codes) is typically a motherboard component (mostly memory) causing system not to complete POST
      • Refer to MFR manual for other uncommon codes
      • Most important POST code is where the system gets stuck at
title(END) Yes - display works, move on to next tree that is more related to systems that do not complete POST or boot to OS
(END) Yes - display works, move on to next tree that is more related to systems that do not complete POST or boot to OS (offboard channel)

title(END) No - they are using ports meant for unsafe-onboard display; make sure any display cables installed to the motherboard (onboard channel) are unplugged and reboot system

(END) No - they are using ports meant for onboard display; make sure any display cables installed to the motherboard (onboard channel) are unplugged and reboot system

titleNo - does monitor appear to be receiving activity when system boots up?

No - does monitor appear to be receiving activity when system boots up?

titleYes - Is there display after either of the following below? (see notes)

Yes - Is there display after either of the following below? (see notes)

  • (mostly single GPU systems) re-seating the GPU(s)
  • (multi-GPU servers) swapping the GPU's to see if the one being used for display is not working properly?
title(END) Yes - display works, move on to next tree; issue Component RMA for GPU if necessary

(END) Yes - display works, move on to next tree; issue Component RMA for GPU if necessary

  • address the GPU if their system boots to OS; run commands to ensure it is being identified by drivers/system; issue Component RMA for the GPU if necessary

titleNoNo - do they have a known working GPU for display to test with the system?

No - is there a known working GPU, for display, to test with the system?

titleYes - does the display work after removing all GPU's, but unsafe-only using the known-working GPU for display?

Yes - does the display work after removing all GPU's, but only using the known-working GPU for display?

title(END) Yes - possible GPU RMA (see notes)

(END) Yes - (multi-GPU servers) install other GPU's and run commands to ensure they is being identified by drivers/system; the one GPU not being identified is possibly defective

(END) Yes - (single GPU systems) issue Component RMA for defective GPU

title(END) No - issue System RMA

(END) No - issue System RMA

title(END) No - Issue system RMA

(END) No - Issue system RMA

  • If we're at this point, please be sure they have tried everything above...
    • Cables
    • Monitors
    • Re-seating display ports/connectors
  • Send fair warning they will need to pay shipping if we deem system NPF

title(END) No - (if unsafe-onboard) system RMA

(END) No - (if onboard display channel) issue system RMA

  • If we're at this point, please be sure they have tried everything above...
    • Cables
    • Monitors
    • Re-seating display ports/connectors
  • Send fair warning they will need to pay shipping if we deem system NPF


No - okay... make sure correct port is used; see other options in case CMOS/BIOS was reset/updated if system was initially set to offboard channel in BIOS
